Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whew! And thank you!

If you're one of those folks who doesn't think your vote counts, think again. In an almost historically low turnout, the Second Ward Seat was decided by a mere 29 votes. That's right, 29.
A testament to a couple well-run campaigns, we apparently struck a cord with an almost identical amount of supporters. The good news is that our platforms were largely similar and I hope to be able to accomplish many of the same things that we both talked about to the many folks we met at various forums, meetings and door-to-door.

The not so good news is that a nearly equal amount of folks thought that I may not be the right person for the job. That leaves me in an interesting position of attempting to earn the respect of a number of folks who live in my ward and see the same things I see everyday.

It will be challenging, but I believe I'm up to it. I am proud to be a representative of folks in our great city and look forward to the opportunity to serve them on the Columbia City Council.

Thank you to all who supported me, helped with my campaign and voted for me.

I will continue to work hard and will do my best to earn what you have given me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Finish Line

Tomorrow is the big day. I spent the weekend finding locations for a few more signs, knocking on doors and interviewing with KMIZ. I feel like this will be a close race, but am comfortable with the campaign I've run and am now ready to leave it up to the voters.

It has been a real learning experience. I've been well-received by most folks and have been supported by a lot of friends, colleagues and business owners. I appreciate that trust and support. It is humbling to know that there are folks who believe in you enough to donate their time and/or money to help with the cause.

Thank you to everyone who assisted me by volunteering, donating or just providing moral support.

Don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow. And bring a friend too.

The Columbia Heart Beat Candidate Poll

Click here for the Columbia Heart Beat candidate poll results and summary.